Premium Painters


Painting Contractors


Premium Painters is well known in the area for having 'Larger Crews to Get the Job Done Fast!' Based in Hobe Sound and located on Federal Highway, Premium Painters makes the painting process, whether interior or exterior, residential or commercial, convenient for you. They are the company you go to for certainty. Their goal at Premium Painters is not to do only one paint job for you but to be your painter of choice and that can only be accomplished with what they call 'legendary service.' Premium Painters has been in business for 20+ years, is a multi-time winner of the Angi's 'Super Service Award' and is an accredited A+ rated business with the Better Business Bureau. They will meet or beat the price on other comparable quotes. Please call them today to schedule a free estimate (mention The Pelican and receive 10% off!)


Joe Conticello
Sales Estimator

Jenny Samuels
Sales Estimator

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